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  • Huy-Binh Le, Sang-Gug Lee, and Seung-Tak RYU "A Single-Supply 84dB DR Audio-Band ADC for Compact Digital Microphones", IEICE Transactions on Electronics, Vol,E95-C,No. 1, pp.-, Jan. 2012.
  • Dae-Young Yoon, Chang-Jin Jeong, Justin Cartwright, Ho-Yong Kang, Seok-Kyun Han, Nae-Soo Kim, Dong-Sam Ha, and Sang-Gug Lee "A New Approach to Low-power and Low-latency Wake-up Receiver System for Wireless Sensor Nodes", IEEE Jounal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 47, no. 10, Oct. 2012.
  • Sang-Hyun Cho, Chang-Kyo Lee, Sang-Gug Lee, and Seung-Tak Ryu“A Two-channel Asynchronous SAR ADC with Metastable-Then-Set Algorithm,” IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, vol, 20, no4, Apr. 2012.